Third Avenue and Dalton Street – Post Office Box 326 – Haines, Alaska 99827-0326
MISSION STATEMENT:Through our gracious gifts from God our Father, we conform our hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a welcoming Eucharistic community. Nourished by the Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit and united in baptism we are committed to extending Christ’s unconditional love to ALL.
Father Perry Kenaston Phone: (907) 766-2241 Cell Number: 907-723-8898 Fax: (907) 766-2275
Deacon Vince Hansen Phone (907) 766-3812
October 23, 2011 – 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
—————————————————————————————————————————————MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil – 5pm/Sunday – 9am Daily Mass: 12:10pm Thursday and Friday
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:20-4:50 pm, Sunday 8:20 – 8:50 am, and upon request.
PRAYER REQUESTS: For Nicole Studley, Jack Wenner and all celebrating another year of life this week. (Please provide your prayer requests to Deacon Vince for inclusion here each week.)
Father Perry’s Travel Schedule/Visiting Priest: Father Perry will take the 2:30pm ferry to Skagway. Return to Haines Wednesday evening 10/26. Father Peter will be here November 9 – December 5 or 6, while Father Perry is in the Phillipines.
Faith in Action: Goal for this year: $7,181.37. Diocese of Juneau Portion: $3,590.68. Current Pledges: $600. Three families. Please be as generous as you can.
Special Collection this Weekend: World Mission Sunday – Support the Missions.
November 6, Sunday Celebration in Absence of a Priest (SCAP): Remember, only one service that weekend, Sunday at 9am.The Sunday before Father Peter Gorges arrives. Pray for more Priests.
All Saints Day Mass: Tuesday November 1 at 9am. (Then Father Perry leaves on Ferry).
CCD: Religious education classes continue after mass this Sunday, October 23rd. Classes will last an hour (10:15 -11:15). The classes focus on the salvation story told through the Bible and are very interesting. It’s not too late to join us.
High School Youth Activities Night: We an enjoyabable high school group meeting October 20. We will plan another for late November.
Bible Study for Adults: A group is meeting Wednesday evenings at 7pm, going through book, The Privilege of Being Catholic – the distinguishing features of Catholicism). Please join us.
Parish Potluck: October 29, 6PM… Bring a dinner dish to share and your pumpkins to carve.
Operation Christmas Child: Thanks to those who have already returned boxes. If you would like to donate but not actually shop and fill a box, please see Carol Flegel. Filled boxes need to be left at the back of the church by the Oct. 30 deadline.
Parish Website: Remember to check out our website…… for the latest.
Thanks! To all involved in CCD, adult classes, teen group, parish and finance councils, landscapers (the Andriesens for special help last weekend), fixers, and all. We are a dynamic Parish!